Saturday, February 5, 2011

Can You Play Free Sonic And Mario Games Online

by: Jason Creation

Those two games are Mario and Sonic. However, many people who are fans of the two famous characters find that it is hard to find a website where those two games are available; after all, Mario and Sonic are both creations of the Nintendo family. So where are those two games available online? And also, is there an advantage to playing games online rather than on a console?

First of all, there are many places to play Mario and Sonic, but many websites nowadays are filled with spyware and viruses. On top of that, Mario and Sonic are considered as console games, so they are scarce on the typical game website.

A good way to find a safe game site is to go on those well-known to have no issues sites, where there are many games available such as Super Mario, and Sonic. Otherwise, for the gamers who enjoy Mario in large doses, its filled with every kind of Mario game on a console organized neatly in a sidebar.

Last but not least, a great place to find Sonic games, and Mario games is online. Which there are flash websites that encounter very little compatibility issues, so Macintosh users can easily play games without problems.

To stop the game player's computer from getting viruses, maybe checking an online blog for recommendations is a good idea. Reading blogs is always a good way to get personal insight on peoples' favorite websites, and feedback, on whether some websites encounter problems on a regular basis.

However, why not just stick to consoles? Are there any reasons to move on to playing on the internet instead of on a game console? Actually, there are many reasons to abandon the little screens and move on to the monitors. One good reason, is because of health. Computer screens strain your eyes a lot less than a game boy would.

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